Love is a walking dream
Published by Eber & Wein Publishing
Best Poets of 2017
Was built on a fake foundation
Using breaks made up of lies
Mixed up with a cures and two magical brown eyes
My heart fell and the dark fog rose
Love is a walking dream
But I will never catch it
Not with you
Love is a walking dream
Stealing breaths for energy
Its presence alone
Can make a heart lose its beat
Just trying to catch it
Love is a walking dream
But one day it walked into a nightmare
And I found out that
you were not real
That the love we shared
Holder of all Keys
Published by Eber & Wein Publishing
Best Poets of 2015
If I travel the world and swim the seas
Dive the oceans and fly the breeze
I would become holder of all keys
Opening life’s tales, allowing them to unfreeze
So they can fly away with the birds and bees
Telling their tales to all the trees
Making them fall to their knees
Because each tale has become a disease
Spreading through the forest with each and every sneeze
And the only medicine is to use more keys
Published by Eber & Wein Publishing
Best Poets of 2014
And if you wish to join us
Stand tall with your feather
Trust and don't let go
Hold tight
For the decision you have made
Must be right
But you must know
That the winds will only gust
For those who
Let the inhibitions go
And leave it all down below
I have a feather
So do you
Let’s put them all together
And make our dreams come true
We will become
A plumage of many hues
As something stronger and something new
We’ll soar high
Touching the highest sky
Fighting off bad weather will come with ease
Cries that echo from down below
Will be soothed by
a warm summer breeze
Dear inspiration
Published by Eber & Wein Publishing
Expressions - 2016
Making it a colourless empty space
Leaving me alone and lost in frustration
With no hope to even chase
Dear Inspiration
I'm on my knees
Send me your magic
Dear inspiration
Thanks for leaving me alone
At my time of need
And thanks to my dead muse
I’m stuck in front of a 1000 doors
With no keys
As if I was hungry with greed
You cut down all my trees
And took the sea breeze
Slowly killing all my beautiful views
Ripping them out of my imagination
Sun to Moon
Published by Eber & Wein Publishing
American Poet - 2016
Sun to moon
Moon to sun
Dark and light
Day and night
Is it worth the fight?
Is it right?